D2.4. End-of-project KGSIR on the improved physical understanding and quantification of tropical low-cloud feedbacks
D2.2. Framework for characterizing mesoscale organisation of shallow convection
D1.6. End-of-project KGSIR on relative role of rapid adjustment processes and their timescales and constraint of ERF from spatiotemporal patterns (Tasks 1.2.1, 1.2.2 and 1.2.3)
D1.5. CONSTRAIN Workshop on rapid adjustments
D1.3. End-of-project KGSIR on ERF developments, including time evolution, causes on diversity in ERF of CO2 and quantification of model errors, constrained ERF for aerosol-cloud interactions from models vs. observations after volcanic eruptions (Tasks. 1.1.1 and 1.1.3)
D1.2. Report from workshop on aerosol-cloud interactions with VolcACI
D1.1. Briefing paper on improved characterisation and understanding of the ERF concept
CONSTRAIN Report 2020 Figure 4 (animated): Understanding where we are in terms of the Paris Agreement 1.5°C limit
CONSTRAIN Report 2020 Figure 2:
Serie de rapports du projet CONSTRAIN: ZERO IN
Serie de informes CONSTRAIN: ZERO IN
CONSTRAIN Report 2020 Figure 1a: Recent warming trends in CMIP6 models
Pre-COP26 Briefing Note: What exactly is a 1.5°C pathway?
Pre-COP26 Briefing Note: How likely are we to reach 1.5°C in the near future?
CONSTRAIN Report 2020 Figure 5: Overview of ECS ranges from different sources
Description of the Silicone online emissions pathway tool
CONSTRAIN Report 2020 Figure 3: Near-term (20 year) warming trends
Mean daily % reduction in CO2 compared to national baseline emissions, February-July 2020 (Forster et al., 2020)