Indicate Separate Contributions of Long-Lived and Short-Lived Greenhouse Gases in Emission Targets
Allen M.R., Peters G.P., Shine K.P., Azar C., Balcombe P., Boucher O., Cain M., Ciais P., Collins W., Forster P.M., Frame D.J., Friedlingstein P., Fyson C., Gasser T., Hare B., Jenkins S., Hamburg S.P., Johansson D.J.A., Lynch J., Macey A., Morfeldt J., Nauels A., Ocko I., Oppenheimer M., Pacala S.W., Pierrehumbert R., Rogelj J., Schaeffer M., Schleussner C.-F., Shindell D., Skeie R.B., Smith S.M. and Tanaka K. 2022. Indicate Separate Contributions of Long-Lived and Short-Lived Greenhouse Gases in Emission Targets. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science. 5(1), p5. DOI: 10.1038/s41612-021-00226-2.